
This app downloads the latest list of norwegian radio amateur callsigns, and presents them in a more or less userfriendly way. I also calculates locators, beamheadings and distance based on the norwegian postalcodes. Especially interesting if used to decide wheter a station heard on ex. 6m is in the far north of norway, or just outside Oslo. It is also possible to sort the list based on gender, postalcode, town or other things. I addition it displays realtime aurora warnings and the K-Indice from Dombaas.

To use it, type in a callsign to search for and press enter. You can also display the complete list and apply filters and sorting to it.

The app also has a global systemwide hotkey, CTRL+Pipe ('|'), which brings it to the foreground no matter what you are doing. Escape (Esc) minimizes it again.

The app is freeware, and requires .NET 4.0. If it crashes on execution, your windows .NET installation is probably not up to date.

(Last updated: March 21 2013 23:16:41.)

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