12 July, 2012

Six-meter opening in the Barents Sea

In July 2012 I was out in the Barents Sea on the research vessel HU Sverdrup II, and did quite a few QSO´s as LA5EKA/MM. The culmination of that operation was a six-meter opening from KQ80 to central Europe during the NAC VHF six-meter contest ! I had 19 qso´s during the opening, and I think I can safely say that it was probably the first operation ever on six from KQ80 (being in the middle of nowhere).

The equipment was as it always is at the time, my Elecraft KX3, fully equipped, and a 2x12.5 trapped dipole - up about 10 meters.

If you look closely, you can see the antenna (tip: look for the traps).